Why Sports Hypnosis for your child or teenager?
Sports Hypnosis is age appropriate for any child from age grade school to college.
Sports Hypnosis teaches your son or daughter how to discover the ability to enhance their sport performance as well as tools to practice interventions in other areas of their lives.
Sports Hypnosis integrates principals from cognitive, behavioral motivational, social and methods of sports psychology in achieving the response for peak performance by accessing what some athletes call “THE ZONE”.
Sports Hypnosis is used by Olympic as well as professional athletes to improve there peak performance. This method and style of hypnosis is used at the West Point Performance Center as well. Learning self-hypnosis is an important part of what your child, regardless of age, will learn as part of this important aspect of their life.
Learn how to eliminate the Five Roadblocks to Success that keep you,
as a student as well as an athlete,
from turning unlimited potential into Peak Performance.